But, there are so many people who can´t pay the hight rent and buy food. Their accounts do not close.
The Brazilian's Law ensure the "social function of property". It´s necesserly being used. And, the same law guarantee a dignous home for every brazilian person.
So some people (who don't have much choice) ocupy the empty buildings. This is so comum that they organized theirselves. The MTST and FLM is a urban verson of MST (the popular movement where agricultores ocupay ocious lands to plant).
Since 2004 a hotel of 20 floors (name Aquarius) is abandoned. So some people, above 800, start to live there, at begninning of this year. Until last Tuesday (16/09/2014), when a lot police mans use force and brutality remove the residents. The people resisted, and throw things to stop the police. In vain.
And now the people are living in the streets, 70 in the jail, and the building are peacefuly empty again. Order.
Tell the hard work, and the difficulty of their lives. In a part of song, the worker is admiring the building height when a person thinks he wants steal. Sad, the worker want to drink.