quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2014

What about this

I want to write about Brazilians songs that make a social commentary. But not with a patriotic purpose. Patriotism just doesn't make sense to me.

I can't say "I love my country" because I don´t know what that mean.

Does it mean that I love people who live (or were born) inside of the border? I think that is unfair to people I love and that live or were born in other countries, outside of my border!

Or does it mean that I love the landscape of my country? Well, I recognize that Brazilians landscapes are amazing! Here we have beautiful beaches, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, even wonderful caves and canyons. But I have had the opportunity to see amazing landscapes in other countries too and I know that there exist so many special places around the world, that I will probably also love.

If "I love my country" does that mean that I love the culture of my country it´s complicated. Brazil is so heterogeneous. And I like the culture of all brazilian states (Real culture not what appears on TV). I appreciate in especially native culture, that I know next to nothing about. I love to meet other people of different cultures.

So I don´t want to write about Brazilian songs because of patriotic pride. I want to write about Brazilian songs because I know there are a lot of people, like me, who love and defend justice and freedom and who want a better society. Many excellent Brazilian musicians sing about these values in wonderful melodies. But these inspiring messages are inaccessible for those who don´t understand Portuguese. So I think that I can be helpful in this "bridging this gap".

To conclude, this blog is for those of you who like messages with dignified values, with a purpose, and who like Brazilian idioms and songs! 

I know I may make some mistakes in English. It’s not my native language. But I hope that doesn’t limit the ideas I’m trying to express.

Let's enjoy it!

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